Where to Refurbish Furniture Near Me: Gibsonia, PA 

Jan 5, 2024 | DIY Furniture

where to refurbish furniture near gibsonia pa

Have you ever been thrift shopping for furniture? In a world full of treasures, your perfect match may be right around the corner. Refurbishing furniture takes your secondhand shop finds and transforms them into unique masterpieces. 

If you’re looking for one-of-a-kind tables, chairs, dressers, or other pieces to restore or spruce up, or if you’re curious about what’s involved in rehabilitating older furniture, we’ve got a helpful overview below.

What Does “Refurbished” Mean? 

When a piece of furniture is refurbished, it means someone redecorated or repaired it. Restoration and upcycling have become extremely popular over the last decade, with countless examples shared all over social media. When you see your favorite DIYer online renovating furniture, they typically perform updates such as: 

  • Repainting 
  • Refinishing 
  • Reupholstering 
  • Repairing
  • Decorating

When Do You Refurbish Furniture?

Whether thrifters find their furniture on the street, in an antique shop, or in a relative’s basement, almost any piece is a candidate for refurbishment. There are a few situations where it is recommended to replace rather than refurbish, especially when: 

  • The furniture is burned or has giant holes 
  • The furniture is damaged and deemed unsafe
  • The necessary materials are available at a better cost than a refurbishment
  • The wood has rotted too much to be salvaged

What matters most is how you want the furniture to look when you are done with the project. If you find an interesting piece of furniture and want to make changes to fit your aesthetic, it is time to get work.

3 Reasons Why People Love Refurbished Furniture 

People invest time in refurbishing furniture for a variety of practical and sentimental reasons.

A Fun New Hobby 

A lot of influencers got into refurbishing furniture to find something to do. For some people, it becomes a passion project they spend their free time on. In the beginning, they learn all about types of materials, and at the end, they have a new addition to their space or something they can sell.

Art That Tells a Story 

Old furniture is durable and made of specific woods that may be difficult to find. When older wood is sanded, it can share some unique surprises, such as its colors and textures. Refurbished furniture has a vintage feel that brings a new level of beauty to any home or office. 

Fulfilling Passion and Creating Jobs 

Many people love to work with their hands. Refurbishing furniture is an ideal pursuit for anyone looking for a more art-focused career. When you search “refurbish furniture near me,” it should lead you to people with a passion for the industry — people like our team at Modern Yesterdays.

Why “Refurbish Furniture Near Me” Points to Modern Yesterdays 

If you’re looking for a professional to “refurbish furniture near me,” Modern Yesterdays has a beautiful collection for you to choose from and a team that will help you create your own.

If you are near Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, and the surrounding areas and want beautiful refurbished furniture, Modern Yesterdays has lots of solutions available. Whether you want to purchase pieces or need pointers on where to start your DIY project, we can help! 

If you are new to DIY projects, you can join a workshop for fusion mineral paint for private and group workshops. You can even bring your own furniture to work on in the workshop. 
Are you ready to get started with your next DIY project? Contact Modern Yesterdays today.